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Privacy Notice

RTM Capital Advisors LLC (“RTM”) maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect its clients’ nonpublic personal information (“information”). Through this policy and its underlying procedures. RTM attempts to secure the confidentiality of customer records and information and protect against anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of customer records and information.

The Advisor collects and retains nonpublic personal information about Clients that may include:

  • Information received on Client’s account applications or other forms such as your name, address, financial information, social security number and/or federal tax ID number; and
  • Information received about Client’s trading activity in the accounts that the Advisor manages on Client’s behalf, such as purchases, sales, exchanges and account balances

Information the Advisor May Share

The Advisor does not sell any of Client’s nonpublic personal information to third parties. The Advisor may share all the information the Advisor collects with third parties only when those third parties are acting on the Advisor’s behalf in servicing Client’s accounts, or as required by law.  These third parties may include:

  • Service providers who, for example, process transactions for a Client’s Account, print checks or prepare account statements
  • Governmental bodies, other regulatory agencies or self-regulatory organizations, or as otherwise required by law.

When information is shared with third parties, they are legally obligated to maintain the confidentiality of the information and to limit their use of it to servicing Client’s Account, except as permitted or required by law.

If a Client relationship ends, the Advisor will continue to treat the information as described in this privacy policy.